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September 04, 2018

Clinical features in cerebral palsy|Physiotherapy management of cerebral palsy

Clinical Feature of CP

Primary : -  (due to the brain lesion)  Muscle tone (spasticity, dystonia)
Secondary  :  - due to the primary impairments causing the movement disorder)
Contractures (equinus, adduction)
Deformities (scoliosis)
Tertiary : -  Adaptive mechanisms (knee hyperextension in stance)

Problems / deformities commonly seen in CP

Upper limb
Shoulder - flexion, adduction and internalrotation deformity
Elbow – flexion and pronation of forearm                                         
Wrist – flexion and ulnar deviation

Lower limb
Windswept deformity (hip joint)
Occiput side – limb in flexion, abuction and external rotation
Face side – limb in flexion, abduction and internal rotation
Knee joint
Flexion deformity
Genu recurvatum
Ankle joint
Valgus/ Varum deformity
Clinching of toes



P.T. especially when started early in life, is helpful in promoting normal motor development, and preventing deformity and contractures.

A) Medical MX
Management of Spasticity
a. Baclofen
b. Diazepam
c. Botulinum toxin


Tendon lengthening and transfer and arthrodesis are some of the procedures commonly performed.
Dorsal rhizotomy: which involves selective resection of posterior nerve roots from L2 to S2. It may be helpful in children with severe lower limb spasticity, with sufficient trunk control and some form of forward locomotion.


1.Handling and positioning
2. Therapeutic exercise
- Gentle range of motion exercises
- Strengthening exercises
- Functional progressive resistance exercises
- Stretching
3.Therapeutic handling
- To influence the quality of motor response
- To use sensory information and adapt movements
4. Facilitation
- Process of intervention which uses postural tone in a goal directed activity
5. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation[PNF]
PNF uses the body’s proprioceptive system to facilitate or inhibit muscle contraction. 
CP is the major the problem seen in young child, so different techniques has been and one of them is Bobath technique, roods approaches and play therapy.
Bobath technique is used to improve neuromotor development.
Roods approaches for muscle tone management by inhibitory technique (Slow rolling, prolong stretch, slow stroking) and facilitatory technique(fast stroking, quick icing, joint compression/weight bearing, stretching).
Play therapy will encourage the child to move on.
As the aim of physiotherapist should be on functional activity to make the child practice it in a real life situation.

6. Assistive and adaptive devices
Angled spoons: two handled cups
Old stools and boxes: to provide support during sitting
Standing frames: are used in the stage of mobilization
Parallel bars: for gait training
Splints, Casts and Calipers: Specially designed shoes, ankle-foot orthoses (AFO) and calipers